The young researchers’ committee of the GDM works on establishing a network among new researchers in the field of mathematics didactics and aims at representing their interests within the GDM as well as supporting their further qualification.
In the early 2000s, the young researchers committee of the GDM was founded to represent the interests of young scientists within its own community and to promote networking among them. The young researchers committee of the GDM is a group of PhD students and post-docs from Germany, Austria or Switzerland. If you have any questions, requests or suggestions, you can contact the chief representatives at any time (see linked e-mail address below):
On this website we, the young researchers committee, inform about our current offers. For more in-depth information and previous offers, we gladly refer to our Madipedia page.
We spread important information of various kinds to young researchers via the mailing lists, such as job advertisements, conference announcements or invitations to meetings of young researchers. Moreover, the chief representatives of the young researchers’ committee who are also elected members of the GDM Advisory Board also have the opportunity to obtain an opinion or to point out interesting developments.
Our main event is the GDM Young Researchers’ Day, which we organize every year and hold at the beginning of the GDM Annual conference. The objectives of the Young researchers’ Day are networking and getting to know other PhD students as well as promoting scientific qualification. In particular, we want to make it easier for doctoral students who are in the first year of their doctoral project and are attending the annual meeting for the first time to find their way around and get started in their research activities and the GDM community – networking always turns out to be a central element here. On the next annual conference which will take place at the university in Saarbrücken in 2025, we will again organize a Young Researchers’ Day.
On the Young Researchers’ Day we offer various workshops (e.g. on working with scientific literature, self-management, giving a talk or designing a scientific poster). In addition, we moderate discussion and discussion rounds on current topics or challenges in the own qualification projects and offer a forum in which the participants can hold their conference presentation as a rehearsal. The Young Researchers’ Day ends with an open discussion in which professors and faculty with doctorates share their experiences from their own doctoral years.
During the GDM conference, we also offer other events for young scientists in addition to the Young Scientists’ Day: In the office hours with experts there is the possibility for individual consultation on the doctoral project and the two evening activities (getting-to-know-dinner and pub-night) support the networking with young researchers.
Additionally, during the GDM annual conference, we also offer workshops specifically tailored at advanced young researchers. Here, for example, we discuss how to write scientific journal articles or how to obtain DFG funding.
Sometimes it can be good to confidentially turn to an experienced professor – for example, if the members of the young researchers’ committee cannot offer adequate help in the specific situation or in particularly critical situations. For this case, we have created the support format of the advising professors for matters of trust.
The trusted professors are ready to act as contact persons for the doctoral students in our community in conflict or problem situations, especially with regard to doctoral supervision. Together with you they will discuss possible solutions.
Prof. Dr. Hedwig Gasteiger (since 2022)
Prof. Dr. em. Rudolf Sträßer (since 2020)
We would also like to express our thanks to Prof. Dr. em. Regina Bruder who has been our trusted professor from 2020 to 2022.
The GDM supports young researchers through various actions. Here, you can find information on the different offers.
GDM-members who fulfill one of the following criteria and provide unsolicited proof every year by the 31st of March, receive a reduction of 50% of the current membership fee:
Please send an email to the treasurer with the subject “GDM discount for young scientists” and the supporting documents.
The GDM supports the participation of young scientists in the GDM annual conference or in major international conferences on the didactics of mathematics (ICME, PME, ICTMT, CERME, ICMI, ERME).
You can apply for a travel grant if one of the following criteria applies to you:
In addition to membership in the GDM, acceptance of a submitted conference contribution (lecture or poster) is required. Only one conference participation per person and year can be funded. The applications have to be submitted to the treasurer together with a statement of travel expenses.
Every two years, the GDM (Society for Didactics of Mathematics) awards the so-called “Förderpreis” of the GDM for an outstanding dissertation to a young mathematics education researchers.
The award winners so far were:
Jury of the award (the year of election into the jury is given in brackets – the membership is limited to 6 years)
Once a year, in addition to the Young Researchers Day, the GDM Young Researchers Conference is organized, which is explicitly aimed at new researchers. The GDM Young Researchers Conference focuses on an intensive discussion of research methods in mathematics didactics. In addition, there is the possibility to present one’s own qualification project and to discuss it with experts.
The Young Researchers Conference is hosted by a different university each year, an overview can be found on Madipedia. All information about the next Young Researchers Conference are being announced via our mailing lists.
The Young researchers committee is constantly trying to find hosting university locations for the Young Researchers Conference for the upcoming years. If your location is interested in hosting the conference, please contact the speakers.
Please contact us via mail.
For general inquiries about the association, please use the contact form.