The Society for Didactics of Mathematics (GDM) is a scientific association with the aim to promote the didactics of mathematics – especially in German-speaking countries – and to cooperate with corresponding institutions in other countries. It was founded on March 12 and 13, 1975 in Saarbrücken during the Annual Conference for Didactics of Mathematics.
The organs of the association are the general meeting, the board consisting of the 1st and 2nd chairmen of the board, the secretary and the auditor. A scientific advisory board advises the board in all scientific matters. The management supports the board in all operational activities.
The young scientists are represented by the Young Scientists Representation.
Some members of the association take on special roles, such as jury membership for the sponsorship award or member of a commission.
2. chairman
Gabriele Schürch
Gesellschaft für Didaktik der Mathematik e.V.
c/o WIAS
Mohrenstr. 39
10117 Berlin
The Advisory Board advises the Executive Board and the General Assembly on the general scientific guidelines and objectives of the Society. Members of the Advisory Board shall be personalities who are particularly suited to promote the goals of the Society. The Advisory Board has a maximum of 15 members. They are elected by the General Assembly for three years. Re-election is possible no more than twice. Each year about one third of the members are to be elected.
Currently, the Advisory Board consists of (in parentheses the years of the last elections, in 2020 there were no elections due to the pandemic):
GDM Switzerland is a national association of GDM. As a national association of GDM, GDM Switzerland is committed to the same objectives and represents the concerns of the Society of Didactics of Mathematics in Switzerland. GDM Switzerland was founded on 3.6.2014 in Zurich and since then has also been an independent association under Swiss law with its own association statutes.
Members of GDM Switzerland are automatically also members of GDM.
For more information on becoming a member of GDM Switzerland, please click on the link below.
Presidency and representation in the advisory board: Esther Brunner
On selected topics in the field of education, GDM has established joint permanent commissions together with its sister societies DMV and MNU (Association for the Promotion of STEM Education):
The Joint Mathematics Commission on the School-University Transition, which they are committed to optimizing this important interface in the German education system, and the Commission on Teacher Education. The three associations agree on common positions in the commissions and present these to education policy makers (see position papers).
There are dual membership agreements with some German societies of related professional orientation, which offer members of both societies in both a reduction in dues. More information can be found under Membership.
The commission is committed to improving the transition from school to university in the subject of mathematics. The goal is to bundle activities and expertise in mathematics education at the transition from school to university, to communicate them to the outside world, and to act as a point of contact for educational administrations.
The commission deals with scientific, higher education didactic, education policy and association policy issues in teacher education with a special focus on the first and second phase.
Membership is open to anyone interested in mathematics didactics. The members of the GDM work at universities or other scientific institutions in the field of mathematics didactics or come from the school sector. Each member receives free of charge the Journal für Mathematik-Didaktik (Journal for Mathematics Didactics), which is published annually in 2 issues, and the Mitteilungen der GDM (Communications of the GDM) with current information.
In addition, young scientists are supported by the GDM through various measures. You can find out more on the page Young Scientists and in the Information for Young Scientists.
The reduced fee must be applied for annually. It is granted to all who have the status of a full-time student, a trainee teacher, a research assistant with a maximum of 1/2 position (so-called 50% positions). The application must be received by the Treasurer’s Office by March 31 of a current year with the subject line “GDM discount for junior staff”. You can reach the treasurer at the e-mail address We also grant a 10% dues reduction to retired members over the age of 65. However, this reduction must be applied for because we hope that many loyal members will still pay the full dues.
In the case of multiple memberships, the most favorable contribution applies upon application. For Switzerland, slightly different fees apply by an internal arrangement.
GDM members can obtain the ZDM at a reduced price of € 50.10.
In a letter dated 18.11.2014, the Tax Office for Corporations I, Berlin has exempted the Society for Didactics of Mathematics e.V. with headquarters in Berlin from corporate income tax according to §5 Abs 1 Nr. 9 KStG and from trade tax according to §3 Nr. 6 GewStG, as it exclusively and directly serves tax-privileged charitable purposes in the sense of §§ 51 ff AO. The tax number of the association is 27/640/60171 at the tax office for corporations I, Berlin.
Please contact us via mail.
For general inquiries about the association, please use the contact form.